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Channelled thru Alan R J Moffitt Dspooky1nz from above and Beyond.


There is a saying that, sticks and stones may break/hurt my bones. But names/words will never hurt me.

How far from the truth the above words really are.

Yes, sticks and stones may hurt us or even break our bones. Yet in time the bruises fade away and in many cases the bones mend and we regain partial or full use of them once more.

For varying periods of time with physical injuries there is pain and stress and often we receive care, love, and support from family and friends and medical staff.

Now lets return to the words But names/words will never hurt me.

So far removed from the truth are the above seven words, are they not.

For constant use of names and words from one person or group of persons can cause permanent, un-repairable  emotional damage to the person or persons to whom they are directed

If the same or similar words/suggestions are repeated over and over again over a period of time the person/persons on the receiving end will begin to believe that that what they are been told is in fact correct or must have some truth to it. Thus, they then start to doubt their abilities and their confidence and self esteem slowly lessons or disappears completely and they retreat into their owner inner world  shutting themselves of from reality resulting in long term or permanent emotional damage or  stress to mind and body and their soul, not to mentioned stress and worry and sometimes enbrassement to others.

Whilst we cannot see the emotional pain a person is suffering, we can often experience the side effects it creates such as:

Erratic behaviour.

Lack of faith, and trust in others.

Non existing confidence , and no self esteem.

Unknown aliments, and distress.

Now a very withdrawn person when once they were so outgoing.

Loss or increase of weight and erratic changes to their eating habits.

They no longer care to wash or to how they look and what they wear.

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